- Multi-account exposure-based cost-minimizing rebalancing
- Calculate an optimal set of transactions in your investment portfolio to achieve the desired asset allocation, considering both individual assets and broader exposures (e.g., asset classes, styles, regions, strategies) while respecting additional allocation and transaction constraints.
- Complete privacy and security
- Everything is stored encrypted and only you can decrypt your data. No tracking. No personal data collection. Portfolio calculations are performed in an anonymized and scaled form, so it is impossible to determine actual assets and size of your portfolio. Instead of promising not to share your data, I just have nothing to share or to leak (even passwords).
- Straight and square pricing
- You know all the costs and limits beforehand. There will be no charges you did not explicitly authorize, no sudden price increases, no dark patterns, no marketing calls and emails.
- Human-readable portfolio specification language
- Define and view your desired portfolio composition on one page, without numerous complex and laggy UI forms. See examples and the reference guide.
- API access
- If you run a portfolio tracking service, provide advanced rebalancing capabilities to your customers.
User Interface

of the spec syntax.
in portfolio currency.
to the relevant place in the spec.

Shows positions in your portfolio before and after rebalance
with their values in portfolio currency.
with their allocation rules.
as well as violations of constraints, are highlighted.

by tag group, account (if several), asset,
and position aggregate with defined rules,
before and after rebalace.
are shown in the diagrams.
gets immediately reflected in the Charts (and Statistics) pane.
- Tax modelling, calculation and optimization.
- Market data integration and portfolio analysis.
- Custom datasets and scratchpads for portfolio and other financial calculations.
- Taking into account long-term costs of allocation.
- Prospective asset allocation modelling and financial planning.
The service uses a tiered pricing model: you pay separately for license, compute (as the service is quite computation-heavy) and additional features (e.g. market data, but nothing is available now).Compute prices
Computational resources required to process a rebalancing request are estimated in complexity points (CP).
The complexity of a request is calculated as follows:
- Each possible position — +1pt.
- Each possible transaction — +1pt.
- Minimum transaction amount — +1pt.
- Fixed and/or variable transaction fee — +1pt for all.
- Setting minimum/maximum transaction fee — +1pt for each element.
- Setting fixed minimum/maximum position/aggregate value (except min=0) — +1pt.
- Setting limit on a group of transfer transactions — +1pt.
- Any other constraint or target for assets — +2pt.
See an example of a portfolio specification with 60 CP complexity
currencies usd, eur=1.1
group class: stocks, bonds, cash, gold
group geo: us, eu, em
tags us, stocks=0.95, cash=0.05
price 30usd lot 10
tags eu, stocks=0.95, cash=0.05
price 22usd lot 10
tags em, stocks=0.95, cash=0.05
price 110usd, *eur lot 10
account Broker
default fee 0.05%
default spread 0.2%
US_FUND 700 buy,sell
EU_FUND 200 buy,sell spread 0.3%
mintrade 100usd maxtrade 5000eur
EM_FUND 500 buy,sell
GOLD_FUND 100 tags gold price 70usd buy,sell
GLOBAL_BONDS_FUND 100 price 28usd
tags us=0.4,eu=0.4,em=0.2,bonds
USD tags cash,money
EUR tags cash,money
out usd -> tax_deferred max 5000usd
account Tax_Deferred
default fee 0.5% spread 0.2%
US_FUND 300 buy,sell
EU_FUND 100 buy,sell fee 2%
stocks ~ 50%(group)
bonds ~ 30%(group)
gold ~ 10%(group)
us ~ 50%(group)
eu ~ 25%(group)
em ~ 25%(group)
tax_deferred min current+2500usd
money ~ 0%(total)
License types
- Only the points exceeding the threshold are charged against your CPs balance.
- Do not expire.
- Single account.
- Single portfolio.
- 60 CP threshold
- High-priority processing (0.1 CP per request).
- Encrypted server-side storage for synchronization between devices.
- Single account.
- Up to 3 portfolios.
- 100 CP threshold
- Personal features
- High-priority processing.
- Single account.
- Up to 100 portfolios.
- 100 CP threshold
- PersonalPro features
- Certain additional features (when developed).
- E-Mail support.
- Multiple accounts.
- Unlimited portfolios.
- 100 CP threshold
- Account management.
- Business features.
- API access.
- High-priority e-mail support.
- Bulk compute prices and custom development.